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The Lost Jacket 2023

The unexplained loss of an intern’s jacket.

Cast: Stefania Barka, Areti Pipiliou, Luboš Ludvíček, Christos Glikos, Vasilis Gkiokas, Petros Xekoukis, Dinos Zafeiris

Director: Georgios Kalogerakis
Writer: Emily Tsikoli
Producer: Emily Tsikoli, Georgios Kalogerakis
Director of Photography: Georgios Kalogerakis, Manolis Fischer Ntouropolakis
Art Director: Maria Moraki
Composer: Kosmas Chalaris
Editor: Emily Tsikoli
VFX Artist: Dinos Zafeiris

Genre: Mystery, Drama
Emily is a young girl from Athens, who lives temporarily in another country for her internship. Unfortunately, her stay there is disappointing, since her life is a boring routine and these few months feel like a decade for her. One day though, a pleasant surprise is waiting at her door. It’s her boyfriend, who came from Athens to surprise her, bringing her her favorite jacket. The time passes really fast while he’s there, but when he leaves, Emily’s jacket mysteriously disappears. From that moment, everything looks like a mind game for her, in which nothing makes any sense.
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